What time is it? Its November again~ Lots will be happening to me during this month...2 family celebrations, the ITB-related stuff, the 'the' occasion (n i'm smiling...) and the life changing moments...these 5 things. The very vital and really crucial events in my life....
To mama n babah qu...
* HAPPY 24th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - 04/11/2008 *
the VIP in my life...muahz!
Truly wanna make both of them proud of me...Neesa
I wish for endless n everlasting happiness and love to mama n babah, semoga sihat walafiat sentiasa n panjang umur...i'm blessed to be their first daughter n being gifted by the Almighty to have both of them as my parents...rasa bersyukur sngt2 coz they still be able to laugh together n in love wif one another. Mama cooked the best dishes in the whole wide world n babah keep on asking me to blajar masak from her. I did...but still, hers are still the best...i know why, psal ada mother's touch bah...dat's wat i lack of n i did told babah abt it n his replied was "ada-ada sja alasan nya anak surang ani..." Banar jua tu kn readers...i'm sure u guys will agree wif me, ryte? Ur mum cooking will have the extra edge yg u can't compete bh...at least, dat's wat i thought.
N babah, he's always wif his silly jokes n patience. He can cook as well. I love his fried rice wif corn beef...nyum2...lapar ku plng trus. He much of like a fren to us instead of juz being a strict father. N kdg2, he can be mcm kanak2 jua coz i still ingt, tym dulu2, when i'm in secondary school, ada Dragonball series d TV, ia minta kmi (either one of my siblings or me) rakamkn Draganball 4him using the tape recorder d umh when he's out for work. N kdg2 he dangani kmi liat ceta Doraemon n Power Rangers tym kami damit...ehe...ktanya dulu2 tym he was a child, he dun hv the privilege to watch cartoons n stuffs...n now dat we had Naim, both of them will watch Ultraman n Spongebob Squarepants together whenevr he got free tym. Cool huh? ehe...
N babah, he's always wif his silly jokes n patience. He can cook as well. I love his fried rice wif corn beef...nyum2...lapar ku plng trus. He much of like a fren to us instead of juz being a strict father. N kdg2, he can be mcm kanak2 jua coz i still ingt, tym dulu2, when i'm in secondary school, ada Dragonball series d TV, ia minta kmi (either one of my siblings or me) rakamkn Draganball 4him using the tape recorder d umh when he's out for work. N kdg2 he dangani kmi liat ceta Doraemon n Power Rangers tym kami damit...ehe...ktanya dulu2 tym he was a child, he dun hv the privilege to watch cartoons n stuffs...n now dat we had Naim, both of them will watch Ultraman n Spongebob Squarepants together whenevr he got free tym. Cool huh? ehe...
Truly wanna make both of them proud of me...Neesa
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