This particular post will be just a quick one. I got this from a fren of mine. Something that worth a thought..
"Memories play a confusing role. They make u laugh when u remember the time u cried together but make u cry when u remember the time u laughed together..."
I juz realized that MBS (My Breathing Space) had turn 1 year old last 14th May..ehe.. i knew it's gonna be in May, but not sure the date bila..i juz checked just now n my first ever posting is on the 14th itself..i still like this layout..very greenish..just like my soul..hijau senantiasa..eseh~liat lah dulu if i wanna change it or not, but, if i's gonna be in green as well..coz hijau itulah duniaku ^_^
- HAPPY 1st MBS -
I don't know whether YOU will read my blog or not, but if YOU do..i'd like to sink into you. and go to sleep. for a good, long while. It's just that when you are far, far away from me, without realising it, it silently hurts me.. xoxoTruly missing YOU...Neesa
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