Our organisation : TelBru, Our chosen product : e-Speed, Our theme : Euro 2008
Our team member: Arif, Ak. Akmal, Azzatul & me : )
Everything went well throughout the presentation, lgpun not all of the management students are allowed to have a look at our presentation, we were divided in pairs n for every 1 hrs, only 2 grps were allowed to be at the meeting room n present out findings and the analysis of our market research that we had done for the past 1 month and explain to her about our planning for the exhibition that going to be held at the mall...our lecturer had made it different this year by not actually letting us to hold an exhibition at ITB as our seniors, this year's batch were required to actually make the model for our exhibition area, look out for co-sponsors or partners to help us with the activities for the whole day of exhibition (10am - 10 pm) and to figure out the theme for our organisation.
Tuesday (June 24, 2008) - Marketing Project Model Display @ 9 am - 12 noon
The purpose of the model display is for the BM staff to grade us...and they will ask us a few questions regarding the activities throughout the day of our exhibition at the mall and our advertisements. Ehe...mcm tape recorder dh ku mendangar explanation c arif...he keeps on repeating every single details to every BM lecturer yg dtg to our booth...cian...f not mistaken more than 20 times kali ia explain to them...*LOL*
Wednesday (June 25, 2008) - Ian Wall's Farewell @ 3 pm
He's our BPC lecturer n now is leaving ITB for good. We had organised a simple farewell for him right after his last tutorial class wif us...he's one of the best lecturer that i evr had since he's always gave us examples on his previous working experience...kira we can easily relate to our topics...he ever worked at MARS (as in the chocolate). He mentioned that they always had their pantry full with Mars n the employees can eat all their can without even paying anything, and in the end all of them are sick of chocolates...ehe...and he advised us that punctuality is the key in business as if u'r not, u will lose the contract deals...he ever been late for half an hour for a meeting and that cost the company a multi-million contract, but nasib jua he was not fired due to that...ehe...kalau kita d brunei ani, nda dpt kn puntual tu...apa nya org, "janji melayu"...janji kn jumpa pkul 3, pkul 3.30 pun alum tantu nampak batang hidungnya...huhu...
Thursday (June 26, 2008) - PA test @ 1.45 pm - 3.45 pm
Our test this tym only cover 1 topic which is Privatisation...and u know wat...i was shocked tym test a since the weightage is 50%...bnyk tu...hope i did fine this tym...AMIN...tp biasa, namanya jua NEESA NAPRE...f nda revised last minute, mana sah tu...i juz started my revision in the morning coz kemarin malamnya nda msuk a apa yg ku revised...myb andangnya that's my studying habit kali bh...mcm everytym semangat kn blajar awl2, msti nda msuk...tym2 nya last minute, bruth kn stay...cana kn tu? cuba bg advise ckit for me yg last-minute study ni...darn...
Friday (June 27, 2008) - Abg Amit's Majlis Akad Nikah @ mrng till aftrnoon
Location : Muhaimin of Lambak Kiri & Nur Indah Sari of Kpg. Pandan, KB.
Saturday (June 27, 2008) - BIS-2 test @ 8.30 am - 11 am
These are the topics for the test...the weightage: 40%...I was so exhausted that i was not be able to do my own revision for the test...I shud hv done better td tym test, the question were not so bad...Crap! I blamed the full schedule...whatever, wat's past is past...nw i juz can wait for the result...eerrgghhh...
Saturday (June 27, 2008) - 9pm till now
Still drafting my part for the HRM Report n my overdue Marketing, Operations, Human Resource Planning & Competitive Advantage plans for the BPP Proposals...n both of these are due on Monday...Our 1 mnth holls is gonna start this monday...ermm...i dun think i'm gonna enjoy it as our BPP is due right aftr ITB re-opens nanti...n the BPP major presentation will be on the August, 16th...wwaarrgghh....i'm so screwed this tym, of all the projects yg kna bagi during my tym at ITB, the BPP is my blurest project ever...n to tell u the truth, i even dreamt abt it, gosh...smpai tbawa2 ani bh, strez jua udh ku tu...wa...!
And, btw, results were out td for juniors...it was fun to share their joys n happiness n i was sad jua coz some of my juniors ada yg nda get thru...juz be strong n try lagi next year ayte...and for my partner-in-crime, Hafiz...ehe...Ka-Ching! I'm waiting for ur treat ni (jgn ko lupa a) and really, i'm so glad u're thru this tym...so, enjoy ur attachment @ JPA k... *BFF n ever*
Trully need self-motivation ryt nw...Neesa