Saturday, January 03, 2009

My New Year's Eve

My new year eve....hmm...one word to describe it : HAPPENING!!! Mula2 nda tau where n how to celebrate, ada few invitations to attend n lastly i chose to be wif the hostelites. I juz had the decision made in the afternoon. Last minute plan...ehe.

My siblings off to my cuzzy's to celebrate my cuz n nephew's b'day & new year celebration, my dad off to work at Tutong n i was wif the hostelites. Went off arnd 7plus from home n cruising skajap at KB town, sunyi bnr...ehe..then, me n CTO off to Ezad's crib. He hosted a new year celebration gathering wif us & close families n frens...ada lucky draws, shuffle n karaoke competition, bbq-ing n lots of other stuffs. Thanks Ezad for having me there n CTO for the ride. It was F-U-N!

My lucky draw! =)

Saye =p

Mizan, Amied, Ezad, Yus, Ray & CTO

the ladies...

Nasib ada u guys...f not, i wud be miserable! Coz i'm all alone dat nyte beside my family that is...thanks bros n sis...emo usulnya...andang pun! I'm lately...nda tau knapa...sensitif jiwaku...huhu...mybe psal my monthly fren was around kali...anth a...yg pentingnya aku happy psal ada kmu2 semua...

Malam atu yg ada: Azrin, Ezad, Mamat, Mizan, Yus, Ray, Kasah, Dee Jay, Rat, CTO & Amied. If my roomate, Khaty ada, lg siuk tu coz ia jaguh menyanyi...kwnku yg love to sing...yg sehati sejiwa...haha. When the clock strikes at midnight, ada fireworks nearby...lovely, juz like wat i had in mind n we all dance. Whehe...antam sja, yg penting, happy! Then, smbg lagi ceta2, lepak-ing, karaoke-ing till 2.15am...can't believe smpai pagi kmi becerita tu...kira kn smbg lg d simpur...tp pikir2, we juz end the night sja...ehe.

At home, my dad is still not around. I found out the next day he went back home tym subuh. My siblings balik arnd 1am n me arnd 2.30am. Owh well...a gud start for year 2009. One wild party...checked! One list had came true...haha...kidding! How i wish u were there wif me...i can only imagine awk ada kat sana malam tu...

Truly will be missing them...Neesa

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