Sunday, December 14, 2008

M8 & W7

Its 2.40am!!! Hai lah mata~ knapa lah engkau tak mau pajam2 jua? naleh ku menunggu kn tdo ni...huhu...hai lah neesa~ knapa lah kau nda pujuk matamu supaya pajam...dpt jua kau tdo nyenyak...hai lah minda~ majal jua eyh...alum jua mau mataku kn tdo ni...huhu...sigh! panat th bnar...i need a doctor plz! Whehe...dokter cinta perhaps? ^_^

I juz came back to Brunei last tuesday night...ada family vacation, a road trip to KK...whehe...i hv lots of fun wif the family...it's been a while nda ada family vacation, n i like the road trip much coz we got to do a lot of sight-seeing thru'out the journey...no pictures yet, malas kn upload, next tym ayte! Aku mau liat Twilight n makan ice-cream Swensons!!! Hmm...

Cemburu ku eyh my other half dpt krja dh, he will be starting this Monday...huhu...i"m happy for him, aku bah...i need to wait for my results dulu n see wat i can do after that...so, for now, i can juz wait, wait n wait. Do u know that ppl can die out of juz getting bored?! Ehehe...bahaya jua tu dh, aku bukan plng smpai tahap mcm atu, but, i will...evntually if aku juz stay cute sja d umh ni! Waa...kn blayar lg kali? ehe...kn kepisan, bru jua lapas belayar, kn belayar lg kali...hmm...mybe k Aussie...aga my fren d Gold Coast...i checked out td harga flightnya....fiuh! F kn ksana, i need to worry abt foods n shopping sja, f transportation n accomodation, she had a house n krita dsana..so, at least kurang ckit expenses ku...hmm...i dun no, mcm half-half jua atiku kn pegi...tkut ku blur otw kn ksana...ehe...bru jua komplen yg diri ni kurang ka-ching...makin th kurang f kn blayar k Aussie lg...ehe...adang2 th Neesa, mcm bekaraja dh usulnya! Mcm semua pun temping kn...mana th ulah! Huhu...

I still remember when i chat wif my fren few wks back...msa atu aku stress tahap maksima n nada dgn ku b MSN, so me dgn tahap gaban menagur lh my fren ani...we go way back plng, she's a fren back in my primary school n now she's married wif 1 kid working with the local bank. We chat n update abt each other's life...n i told her yg deep down, i'm tired of studying...mcm sometimes i perceives it more of a need instead of a want...i'm sure u guys know the diff between needs n wants ryte? When studying is no longer a want and it changed to a need, u will lose interest of studying n overtime, u will be mengusut-ing evrytym ada assignments...huhu...but, being such a good sport, she adviced me that f me kuat ati kn study, juz proceeds and go for it...whehe...mcm at that moment, trus kami dua buat wishlists...ehe...aku mau krja, dpt gaji tinggi 2 ribu plus plus, bali barang2 branded yg mahal n blayar tiap2 tahun...haha...trus ku motivated! Whehe...nada wh, atu sja supaya kn membakar semangat sja tu, f nda, nada th mood kn moving forward...nda ja? Ja~

Btw, knapa kn KB mcm sunyi ja lately...boring eyh...cuti jua ni...mana peginya all KBians? Kmu migrate n krja d Bndr udh ka...atau dh bjumpa bf/gf org bndr, then, kmu get married, stay n krja d Bndr dh? :P I love my hometown n i miss bndr as well...so badly...especially the lambak kanan part...ehem...n i want to get a job so that i can go out from my nutshell n spend my ka-ching on my wish-lists....btw, dmana ku menyimpan wish-list ku a...*mencari d sebalik katil n almari*

Happy Working w0nd3rse7en


remember the 3 secs rule k
(kalau more than that, juz close ur eyes :p)

Truly Miracle8...Neesa

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